
A Couple Months Further Along...

Whan I wrote about Tiff and the Girls, I had been on one OT shift; since then I've worked a bit more and am a lot happier that I am at least getting work, especially since I was the one to go get it.
The thing that gets me is the notion that we need to pick a definitive day to start making changes. we get talking to ourselves and others and say "I'll go back to the gym full-time starting January." or "I'll start eating better starting after my next grocery-shopping trip..." I think what we need to do, instead of imposing these rigid deadlines or markers or whatever you want to call them is resolve to do one small thing right now. Instead of waiting to do a "big" change on a certain day or when a certain condition is met, why not just resolve to alter one little thing right at that moment? The important thing is to ACT; It's great that we are reading and taking in other perspectives. However, it becomes ironic if, instead of DOING something, we spend that time reading about the importance of doing something.