
A Couple Months Further Along...

Whan I wrote about Tiff and the Girls, I had been on one OT shift; since then I've worked a bit more and am a lot happier that I am at least getting work, especially since I was the one to go get it.
The thing that gets me is the notion that we need to pick a definitive day to start making changes. we get talking to ourselves and others and say "I'll go back to the gym full-time starting January." or "I'll start eating better starting after my next grocery-shopping trip..." I think what we need to do, instead of imposing these rigid deadlines or markers or whatever you want to call them is resolve to do one small thing right now. Instead of waiting to do a "big" change on a certain day or when a certain condition is met, why not just resolve to alter one little thing right at that moment? The important thing is to ACT; It's great that we are reading and taking in other perspectives. However, it becomes ironic if, instead of DOING something, we spend that time reading about the importance of doing something.


Seems I was mistaken....

When I wrote that most of my classmates hadn't made the OT list, apparently I was somewhat wrong; it seems that all "The Girls at the table" and Tiff made the list, so they've apparently been working up a storm. For some odd reason, the news that Tiff made the list struck me hard, as did the news that he's subbing at Rideau Heights. Just this sense that i screwed up. Also, realised that I didn't reply quickly enough to the interview I had last week, so I wonder if that's now gone sideways as well.....I really get the feeling that I'm not handling this the way I should. We've been getting a handle on the house and that's certainly great, but I need to reorganize things and get both the house and job-looking happening and really get things intergrated and get back into the class room. I'd like to think that yesterday was an anomoly and that we are still on track. Actually, I don't want to even say that; we had a hiccup and things are back where we want them to be. Anyway, back to business. The emerg. supply I was called to do a couple weeks ago was great and I did well, if a bit scared at the moment of being called. It was good that I had no notice and jumped in. Just an example of trusting yourself, jumping in and knitting the net as you fall. The thing is to be prepared every day to do that thing and not let myself get away from being a Teacher. We need to re-commit on at least two fronts. I mean, everyone else has to contend with home and work, why shouldn't I? The thing is, I don't think we've been treating this like work; we've shoved it to the back of our day and then every once in a while think, "Oh yeah, I actually have to find a job..." The resume needs to be updated and there are at least two Min. of Ed. papers that it's been recommended that I read.


Ok, this is going to be a new direction in this blog. *I thought about starting a whole new one, but wasn't sure I wanted to jetttison everything here. If it does work out that i move on to a new thing, I'll migrate all the posts I think useful... Anyway, let's get into gear...So, I found out the the LDSB shortlist did not include me or most of my classmates...Bit of a drag actually. The trick is to find forward movement on this.